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Calendar not Showing despite trying everything in the forum

Posted: December 15, 2012 at 1:44 am

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December 15, 2012 at 1:44 am

I have upgraded this week to the latest releases of Events Espresso and WordPress and cannot make the calendar work at all.

I have tried the following:
– Switching to the default theme
– uploading the alternate fullcalendar.min.js file to my server
– the [raw] tags in both caps and lowercase
– disabling all plugins

My calendar page is at The calendar shortcode is WAY at the BOTTOM. (I have text that says “calendar should be here” aboev it. (I have the list above because this is an active site and the client isn’t pleased that the calendar is down so I need to keep the events listed while I work on this.)

Seth Shoultes

December 15, 2012 at 3:22 pm

Hi Anitra,

Thanks for sending the login credentials. I went into the server via FTP and found that you may have renamed the directories for the Event Espresso and calendar plugins. When the directories were renamed, there was a space left in the calendar directory name (screenshot: Once I renamed the calendar directory to the proper naming scheme, the calendar started working.

Basically because there was a space in the directory name, the plugin could not load the jQuery files used by the calendar.

Thomas Ayer

December 16, 2012 at 7:56 am

Hello Seth,

I too have issues with the Calendar not showing up. I’ve tried everything I found in the forums and can’t get it working.

You can check it for yourself by going to or

The calendar used to work great untill we recently added 30 or so events. I hope you can help me resolve this issue.

Seth Shoultes

December 16, 2012 at 11:10 am


This thread has been resolved. Please create a new ticket. Thanks.

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