
Home Forums Events Calendar Add-on Calendar height

Calendar height

Posted: June 23, 2013 at 10:03 am

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June 23, 2013 at 10:03 am



I have inserted a calendar widget in a standalone WordPress page using the following code:


<pre lang=”php”>[raw][ESPRESSO_CALENDAR height=1000][/raw]</pre>


The calendar renders correctly in width, but is too small in height.

Can you please tell me how to configure the calendar so that it renders with a height that allows it to be entirely visible?




June 24, 2013 at 2:11 am


The height= is an invalid attribute for that shortcode, it simply wont work.

To change the calendar height, go to the Calendar Settings in the event espresso menu in your sites dashboard. There is an height option there.

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