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Calendar Day View with columns sorted by Room?

Posted: November 28, 2012 at 7:19 pm

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November 28, 2012 at 7:19 pm

I would like to use the Calendar add-on to create a class schedule for our events, which only happen on Wednesdays. We could use a single day view if I could find a way to make it put the various events into columns based on the room the class is held in. When I look at the day view of the calendar right now, all the events are on top of each other, since we have up to 10 happening at the same time.

Essentially, I’d like to recreate a dynamic calendar that looks like this (currently hard-coded in HTML and the events don’t link to a buy button!):

Is there a way to use the Calendar add-on to do this? Or do I have to custom-code something from scratch?

Thanks for your help!



November 29, 2012 at 1:16 am


The [ESPRESSO_CALENDAR cal_view=”agendaDay”] will list the events side by side, rather than on top of each other. That would get you partially there and would include the time of day on the left.

I do not believe it would be possible to have the columns showing like in your example without an overhaul of the calendar jquery. You could possibly do something with it using the categories, but that is beyond my personal jquery knowledge and beyond the remit of general support.

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