
Home Forums Events Calendar Add-on Calendar colors not displaying – again

Calendar colors not displaying – again

Posted: September 8, 2013 at 11:07 am

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Tom Hathaway

September 8, 2013 at 11:07 am

We had issues previously with Calendar colors not showing up and it appeared to be resolved, but recently reappeared. In addition, we had issues with ssl and registrations, so we modified the site to move Event Espresso to its own blog on a subdirectory. The color issue occurred before the move.

The calendar is on Each event has 2 categories, one to select it to display on the “Upcoming courses for a specific class” page and the other for the color in the Calendar. This did work at one time (about 2 months ago) but suddenly quit.

We are using WP 3.6, Espresso Version, Calendar Version Is there any other info I can provide to help solve this problem?


  • This topic was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Josh. Reason: moving to calendar forum

Tom Hathaway

September 9, 2013 at 5:11 am

To provide additional info, we created EventEspresso in its own subdirectory with WP theme 2013 to avoid theme issues with our very unresponsive theme provider for the main site.


September 9, 2013 at 6:08 am

Hi Tom,

Have you taken a look at the Calendar settings page? It might be that the settings reset when updating to the latest version.

Tom Hathaway

September 9, 2013 at 8:12 am


Thanks for the quick response. The relevant calendar settings:
Theme Settings:
Enable CSS for Categories: Yes
Use Color Pickers: No
Category OnSite:
Use Color Pickers: Yes
Event Background Color: #9ED5F1
Event Text Color: #000000
Category Virtual
Use Color Pickers: Yes
Event Background Color: #BED88D
Event Text Color: #000000
All Other Categories:
Use Color Pickers: No
All events are assigned to 2 categories, either Virtual (indicated on the current calendar with the “(ONLINE)” suffix) OR OnSite (indicated on the current calendar with the “(LAS VEGAS,NV)” suffix). The second category for each event is used to select all events for a specific class, e.g. you can view all events for “How to Write Effective Requirements Class Schedule” at

Is there anything else I can provide to figure this out?

Thanks again,

Tom Hathaway


  • Support Staff

September 9, 2013 at 12:05 pm

Hi Tom,

If you’re assigning two categories to each event, but would like the colors to be based on one of the categories the you’ll likely need to use the CSS method of styling these.

Some basic instructions on how to set this up are outlined in the calendar’s documentation here:

and here:

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