
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Calendar Ajax Requests VERY slow

Calendar Ajax Requests VERY slow

Posted: January 31, 2024 at 9:15 pm

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Digital Services Lab

January 31, 2024 at 9:15 pm

I see there are quite a few other posts about this over the years but no real solutions.

The ajax requests to fetch calendar data are very slow when there are lots of events to fetch. The speed is entirely tied to the number of date/times returned.

On months where there are only a couple of events, it’s reasonable .6-1.5s
On months where there are upward of 30-40 date/times it is extremely slow: 5-10s.
The time is entirely TTFB, not client side js.

This is not a server related issue. I’m running the site on PHP8.3 on a high end VPS with 512M of memory for admin requests, SSD and high end CPU. This isn’t cheap hosting, it’s $4.5k a year high end hosting.

The only conclusion I can come to is that the table structure or indexing needs to be improved or query process optimised.
I cannot work out a way to log ajax query processes. Query Monitor doesn’t do that yet.

I am not seeing any PHP errors, or WP debug errors.

Is there any optimisation that I can do to the tables involved to speed this up?

You can see in the attached image the TTFB for each request as I click between months. The Transfer Size directly correlates to the number of date/times returned and as you can see has a massive impact on the query time.

Calendar Ajax Response Time

Digital Services Lab

January 31, 2024 at 9:16 pm


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