December 16, 2021 at 1:06 pm
Hi There,
First and foremost, this post is being written by our primary developer to highlight issues and bugs we have found. We have been testing the Recurring Events Manager for possible use on our website and have found a number of bugs, issues and deficiencies that make it non-practical to utilize currently.
Speed speed speed: When a large number of recurring dates are added in an event, front-end usage becomes very slow due to the number of possible sessions that have to be loaded on the front end. This needs to be optimized and frankly become much faster. Speed is essential on the internet these days and a slow site or user experience leads to a massively increased bounce rate.
Many of our users have complained that existing versions of Event Espresso are slow and a recurring event with say, 100 possible dates on a single event slows things down even further. The problem is further exasperated when using the Calendar View extension.
– When default prices, taxes, fees etc etc are removed from the Pricing page at /admin.php?page=pricing (Price Types, Tax Settings, etc), it causes the recurring event manager to fail completely when creating a recurring event at the stage where it asks to populate the default pricing options.
– When setting a ticket to start sale at X time and end sale at X time, then exiting out to the ticket creation screen, the start/end time fails to properly reflect and remains at the default option.
Feature Requests:
– When creating a recurring event and adding dates/times, it should be possible to specify multiple sessions per day. For example, our children’s center offers four sessions per day, seven days per week. In order to create this on a recurring event, we had to go through the recurring event manager four times, once for each session per day.
– Duplication; it would be much more efficient if we could bulk duplicate events. For example, prior to the recurring event manager, we would have to create 30/31 events per month, with the four dates/times per event to reflect the four sessions per day. On the edit page for an event, there is a “Duplicate Event” button.
What would be great is a bulk duplication option, where we could duplicate an event and be taken to a page where we specify our duplication criteria – i.e. duplicate this event 50 times for this date range, keeping the same ticket options etc etc etc. Programmatically, this would be done with a simple find/replace SQL query when duplicating the event.
If you require clarification on any of these points, please let us know.