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Bridging s2member and Event Espresso

Posted: November 27, 2012 at 9:57 am

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Luis Rosario

November 27, 2012 at 9:57 am

Hey there guys, I’m trying to come up with a bridge between s2member and Event Espresso. What I’d like to do is to notify s2member by adding a custom capability after someone has successfully registered for an event. Is there a way to have event espresso execute routines that would allow me to do this? Some kind of API hack with Event Espresso. I’m also researching this topic on the s2member forums. Just need to understand the capability of Event Espresso in this type of case. There are 2 routes,

1-Successful paid registration, Event Espresso notifies s2member to add custom capability to this user account

2-Successful paid registration using s2member payment buttons and or forms. This would add custom capabilities easily.

Route 2 would be the easiest way to implement this. Is there a way for me to use “s2member generated paypal pro forms or even” with Event Espresso?

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

November 27, 2012 at 5:20 pm

Why not use WP User Integration and make people register for the site first? Then you could add a ccap after payment is received. (For the record, we do have hooks for the payment process if you dig through the gateway files).

Luis Rosario

November 28, 2012 at 10:14 am

We will force the register first. I found some promising code on the s2 forum on adding ccaps with PHP. How would I implement this type of code into Event Espresso? Was trying to dig into the files, but not sure where to look. It seems if I can run code similar to this below after successful paid registration, this could be a solution. Just simply add ccap with PHP as part of the paid registration process. Is there any documentation on these hooks or where can I find the files that would need to be edited. We use pay pal pro.


Luis Rosario

November 28, 2012 at 10:17 am

code not formatting properly. .. here’s the the thread ..

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