
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Block registration until payment is received

Block registration until payment is received

Posted: July 3, 2013 at 9:18 am

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kevin l

July 3, 2013 at 9:18 am

Is it possible to a person registration from going through until payment is received? We have limits on class sizes and people that start the registration process but don’t pay are taking up spots but aren’t paying or wanting to continue so they leave. We have to constantly watch the classes closely because we have classes daily and having a person or to register but not pay is taking up a valuable space. It’s becoming time consuming to watch these so closely.


Jonathan Wilson

July 3, 2013 at 1:16 pm

Hi Kevin,

If you have “Default Payment Status (this value will be automatically filled in for each person’s payment status, until payment is made, for each event):” set to “Incomplete” in Event Espresso > General Settings, the attendees who have not completed payment will not count toward the attendee limits. If it is set to “Pending” then they will count toward the attendee limit.

There isn’t a way to not add them to the database until payment is received. This is why we have the different payment statuses. See here for more information on payment statuses:

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