
Home Forums Announcements Beta Testers Needed; 4.9 Beta Now Available

Beta Testers Needed; 4.9 Beta Now Available

Posted: April 15, 2016 at 9:44 am

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Seth Shoultes

April 15, 2016 at 9:44 am

Calling all Event Espresso Beta testers. Event Espresso 4.9 is now ready for beta testing.

Read the announcement:


How To Get EE 4.9

Existing Customers

If you aren’t signed up already, you should sign up for the pre-release channel on your account page to get access to Event Espresso 4.9. If you have signed up for the pre-release channel, you will already have access and all you need to do is download it.


Event Espresso 4.9 is available to developers and non-customers in the Event Espresso Core GitHub repository under the core branch called ‘BETA-4.9-message-activity‘.

Reporting Issues

Existing Customers

Please report any issues related to Event Espresso 4.9 in the Pre-release section in our support forums, where you can post any questions, problems or bugs you find after downloading/installing EE 4.9.


Please create a new issue in the Github repository and be sure to prefix it with the text “EE 4.9”. That way our developers are aware the issue is related to Event Espresso 4.9.

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