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Being able to register for an event without paying

Posted: May 30, 2014 at 8:22 pm

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Cliff DesPeaux

May 30, 2014 at 8:22 pm


I am considering using your plugin on a site I’m building for an upcoming conference where there will be around 700 registrants, but I have become very, very concerned with some of the reviews on the WordPress site, especially this one.

Has this issue been resolved? With that many people attending, there is no way I would want non-paying registrants to be able to have any sort of RSVP, even an unconfirmed one. It would be a huge mess that I would not want to deal with.

Thank you,


  • Support Staff

May 30, 2014 at 9:52 pm

Hi Cliff,

The review that you linked to was based on a misunderstanding. Event Espresso doesn’t allow a registration to be complete without paying.

The bottom line is that if someone fills out an Event Espresso registration form, then abandons the process before or during the payment part, their registration is not counted toward the limit and they have no reservation, and no confirmation of a registration.

Cliff DesPeaux

June 4, 2014 at 12:07 pm

Thanks for the info. One more question: the big reason I’d be using EE is for a conference where we’d want people to pay a one-time general fee for the whole event, but then be able to select the individual classes they want to attend, which will have caps on the numbers of people allowed in. After digging around a bit in the demo and on the site, that appears to be a limitation with EE. Do you know if that will be offered in the future?


June 5, 2014 at 1:51 am

Hi Cliff,

It is a limitation currently. The main advice for this specific use case would be to turn the site into a membership site, where paid membership if the “main event” and then use Event Espresso to deal with the registration for the sub events.

Will it be offered in the future? Well it has been added to our feature request list, but unfortunately I cannot advise regarding planned or possible future features, as like a lot of things, plans do change.

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