
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Automated/scheduled registration notifications & updates

Automated/scheduled registration notifications & updates

Posted: February 29, 2016 at 5:31 pm

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February 29, 2016 at 5:31 pm

Within our EE4 instance we have people purchasing season tickets (event) with multiple date times. It would be great to have notifications sent at a specified time (1 day prior, 7 days prior, etc) to the registrants with ticket information, ticket links, and event updates. I currently do this manually, but it is prone to failure considering it is relying on a human.


  • Support Staff

March 1, 2016 at 5:03 am

Hi there,

We have automated event reminded on our roadmap here:

The core functionality needed to start building this will be included within EE4.9, the automated emails themselves will not be ready for EE4.9 but we needed to make some extensive changes to the messages system to allow for these.


March 1, 2016 at 1:31 pm

Thank you sir! Will ticket link short codes be available within the updated messaging system?


  • Support Staff

March 1, 2016 at 1:50 pm

Can you explain further on what you mean by ticket link shortcodes please?


March 1, 2016 at 2:04 pm

We have the following in our email that goes out to our fans. As of now, only certain “types” of messages are allowed to use this shortcode.

<li><strong>Tickets: </strong><a href="[TICKET_URL]">Download Now</a>

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by Tony. Reason: code formatting


  • Support Staff

March 2, 2016 at 2:38 am

[TICKET_URL] is built from a registration, meaning that if the message is a registration based message type then it will have access to that shortcode.

There’s a few variations on that shortcode:

[TICKET_URL] = the ticket for a current registration.

[RECIPIENT_TICKET_URL] = the ticket url for the current recipient (which may be different from way the primary registrant).

[TXN_TICKETS_URL] = all of the tickets assigned to a transaction.

[TXN_TICKETS_APPROVED_URL] = only the approved tickets from a transaction.

Which shortcode you use depends on where you are and how you want them to work, so it might be better if you explain how you want to use the TICKET_URL and in which message type as we may find there is already a shortcode to do what you need.

But to answer your question:

Will ticket link short codes be available within the updated messaging system?

No, the changes made to the message system do not alter the shortcodes available for the majority of the message types available.


March 7, 2016 at 6:00 pm

Tony, thanks for the repsonse.

We are not partiular to which shortcode we use. We just need emails sent to ticket purchasers with links to their tickets. Meaning, if a person A buys 1 ticket they get 1 ticket link, and if person A buys 2 tickets, they get 2 ticket links, etc.

FWIW, you wrote a work around that we used all year to get tickets all registrants (not just the purchasers)

And why wont the ticketing shortcodes be available in the automated messaging system?


  • Support Staff

March 8, 2016 at 3:07 am

There was an awesomely placed typo in my initial reply:

The core functionality needed to start building this will be included within EE4.9, the automated emails themselves will NOT be ready for EE4.9 but we needed to make some extensive changes to the messages system to allow for these.

(I’ve now edited my reply to not cause further confusion for other readers)

In other words, the messages system has been altered and the framework adjusted so that automated messages can be built on top of that system. There is a new system being introduced into messages (all the current functionality will continue to work) with 4.9 that will allow us the ability to build automated messages, those automated messages will be the current messages that are available, but with the ability to be ‘triggered’.

And why wont the ticketing shortcodes be available in the automated messaging system?

My apologies, my previous answer was misleading, that combined with my typo just made it worse.

The changes made to the system do not alter the current shortcodes available within the messages, the shortcodes available within the current messages will still be available.

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