
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Automated Upcoming Event Notification Messages Only Generate for Some Events

Automated Upcoming Event Notification Messages Only Generate for Some Events

Posted: May 31, 2022 at 3:30 pm


May 31, 2022 at 3:30 pm

I don’t know why, but it appears that Automated Upcoming Event Notification email reminder messages are only generated for some of our events. I can’t seem to find a reason or pattern as to why that is. The events are all configured to use the correct email template which is supposed to send a reminder message 6 days in advance.

Our message settings are set to:

Messages Settings -> Generate and send all messages: On a separate request

Per request cron is DISABLED, but it is run manually via a script every 15 minutes. Is this a problem?

I installed WP Control, and I see do this CRON entry:

Next Run (UTC-6)
Action Recurrence
Select this row
Edit | Run Now | Delete
None 2022-05-31 16:00:00
1 hour 12 minutes EventEspresso\AutomatedUpcomingEventNotifications\domain\services\tasks\Scheduler->checkForUpcomingDatetimeNotificationsToSchedule()
EventEspresso\AutomatedUpcomingEventNotifications\domain\services\tasks\Scheduler->checkForUpcomingEventNotificationsToSchedule() Once Every Three Hours

So, that appears to be running.

Looking at the events where the automated messages are generated successfully, I really don’t see a difference in their configuration from other events where the reminder emails are not generated.

Would the cron being run manually every 15 minutes cause problems such as these? I would imagine not?

Is there anything else I should check?


May 31, 2022 at 3:42 pm

Should I change the frequency of that AHEE__EventEspresso_AutomatedEventNotifications_core_tasks_Scheduler__check task to every 15 minutes? Would that help?

Joao Victor

  • Support Staff

June 2, 2022 at 2:21 pm

Hi there!

The WP CRON is required when you generate and send all messages on a separate request, if WP CRON is not running well, the scheduled messages are affected. Please, install/activate this plugin to make sure WP-Cron is running. If not, reach your hosting company support to activate it.

Let us know if it helps!

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