
Home Forums Upcoming Event Reminder Add-on Automated Event Notification

Automated Event Notification

Posted: November 2, 2021 at 10:13 am


November 2, 2021 at 10:13 am

I’m having a hard time with setting this up and linking to my virtual events.
1.SHould I be going through Batch or Automated Upcoming Event Notification?
Is there a video or step by step for virtual events?


  • Support Staff

November 2, 2021 at 7:40 pm

Hi there,

Can you add some more details on what it is you are trying to do with the automated message, please?

How are these virtual events set up within Event Espresso currently?


November 2, 2021 at 8:06 pm

Thanks for responding.
I’ve created my event registrations (free) and set up their venues.
I want to set up the automated event reminder email to be sent 1 day before the events start. I don’t understand how to do it. I watched a video that said to use Batch and read to use Automated Upcoming Event Notification.
I go to Event Expresso/Messages/Default Message Templates/Automated Upcoming Event Notification/Edit Registrant
Then I get lost. I can’t make the email look good and how does it know which event to associate the email with?
Is it easier to make a custom template? I need a more detailed video or instructions on how to set this up


  • Support Staff

November 3, 2021 at 8:14 am

Batch messages are a way for you (the admin) to manually trigger a ‘batch’ of messages to selected registrants, they aren’t triggered automatically but are intended as a way for you to contact a batch of registrants if needed.

The ‘Automated Upcoming Event Notification’ add-on is a way to automatically trigger a message for upcoming events/datetimes based on the number of days between ‘now’ and when the Event/DateTime is set to start. Its intended to be a reminder of the upcoming event and trigers based on the settings within it.

Do the events have a single datetime each or multiple?

I can’t make the email look good

This I can’t give you an answer on as its very subjective, all of the EE messages use a similar template by default.

It really depends on what you want to change to ‘make it look good’.

how does it know which event to associate the email with?

Is the same template going to be used by all events or are you wanting individual templates for each event?

Are you using that Upcoming message on all events or only a select few?

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