
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Auto-increase price on Early Registration ticket

Auto-increase price on Early Registration ticket

Posted: July 23, 2024 at 7:31 pm

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Somatic Practice

July 23, 2024 at 7:31 pm

Hello –

We offer our classes at an Early Registration and a Regular Registration price. Sale of the Early Registration ticket expires and sale of the Regular Registration ticket begins as expected, per the ticket setup for each event.

However our problem is that we often open registration for classes more than a year in advance. Many of our students reserve their Early Registration ticket with a deposit, and later log in to access their existing registration to pay their balance. If they have not paid their balance by the Early Registration deadline, they are supposed to be charged the balance due for the Regular Registration ticket.

Previously, EE would automatically charge the Regular Registration rate when they logged in to pay their balance, if the Early Registration ticket had expired. Now I am seeing that this no longer happens. This was a major pain point for us before we developed this site, and was a factor in our decision to choose EE for ticketing. Was there a recent update that affected this capability? Is there something different we need to do when setting up events and tickets?

I’m hoping that we can continue as before. I know it’s possible transfer them to the Regular Registration ticket one at a time, but this gets admin-heavy on our side. It would also cause confusion for the student when viewing their records, which become cluttered with “cancelled” tickets they don’t really understand – we’d spend a lot of additional customer service time explaining.

Thanks for any advice …

Somatic Practice

August 6, 2024 at 1:54 pm

Hello – Just checking on this question, as it’s still an issue for us.

Somatic Practice

August 20, 2024 at 3:16 pm

Hello –

I posted a detailed forum topic on Friday 8/15, and saw an onscreen notification that my topic was “awaiting moderation.” As it was close of business right before the weekend, I expected some delay, but since then the topic has disappeared entirely and there has been no response. Before re-posting, can you please let me know if there was some reason the post was not allowed? I did include quite a few links to screenshots . . . otherwise I can think of no reason why this would occur.

I did save a draft so can re-post. Please advise!

Thanks so much.


  • Support Staff

August 20, 2024 at 7:44 pm

We offer our classes at an Early Registration and a Regular Registration price. Sale of the Early Registration ticket expires and sale of the Regular Registration ticket begins as expected, per the ticket setup for each event.

However our problem is that we often open registration for classes more than a year in advance. Many of our students reserve their Early Registration ticket with a deposit, and later log in to access their existing registration to pay their balance. If they have not paid their balance by the Early Registration deadline, they are supposed to be charged the balance due for the Regular Registration ticket.

You can try this option, Create 2 ticket. One for Early Registration and one for Regular Registration. If the person enrolled in early registration missed to pay their balance on due date, you can use attendee mover plugin to move them to regular registration ticket or if you have another ticket with a different price.

Check this guide here.

Let me know if that resolve your issue.


Somatic Practice

August 20, 2024 at 9:32 pm

Thanks Rio – thanks for answering my older question.

I started this thread to ask about a more recent topic I posted, having to do with an Attendee Mover issue. I can’t remember the thread title, but it was posted last Friday. This question is from several weeks ago.

Regarding the Early vs. Regular Registration answer you just offered, yes that’s the plan, however for some reason this used to happen automatically for us, without having to use Attendee Mover.

The Regular Registration ticket at the higher price already exists and would be the only ticket on sale for the event when the person returns to pay their balance. Previously, EE would just charge the student the Regular Registration balance, without any admin intervention on our side. I have noticed the last couple of months that this no longer happens, so I was wondering why.

Given that my August 15 question was about a significant issue, which I think is related to Attendee Mover, I am reluctant to rely on that plug-in for this function. Please let me know if I need to re-post my August 15 question, and I’ll be happy to make a new thread for it.

Thanks again.

Somatic Practice

August 20, 2024 at 9:37 pm

FYI, I believe the Attendee Mover issue occurs when transferring a ticket within an event, rather than between events. Perhaps you could check on that, and resolve two topics with one answer? That would make my week!


  • Support Staff

August 21, 2024 at 4:11 am

Hi Kathy,

1. Is there any custom modification that you have made on the site as auto payment of the extra amount(regular price) is not a function.

Also, please let us know if the feature disappears after any theme/ plugin update.

2. Regarding the attendee mover issue, can you please share a screenshot of the issue, as I cannot replicate that in my installation?

Somatic Practice

August 21, 2024 at 10:01 am

Thanks –

1) I’m not aware of any modification but it sounds as if there must have been one. Our original developer is unavailable to answer this question, so I’ll have to see if we can investigate.

2) Re the Attendee mover issue, I will re-post my original topic separately, as it contained a number of screenshots and details.


  • Support Staff

August 21, 2024 at 10:09 am

Hi Kathy,

1. Sure, please confirm that, and if there were any custom functions you can add them to a custom plugin which helps you keep the changes even after you update the theme/plugin:

2. We will be happy to help you there.

Somatic Practice

August 21, 2024 at 10:09 am

I have re-posted the topic, and onscreen message indicates it’s awaiting moderation.

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