
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Order Description missing Order Description missing

Posted: June 14, 2013 at 4:44 pm

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Tomas Chadsey

June 14, 2013 at 4:44 pm

The Description field does not display on our merchant report. The itemized view does show the description, though. I’ve included the output of the fields in below. Thanks.

Order Information
Invoice #: au-8c5emq7tivhe848sq

Itemized Order Information
Item: 1
Item Name: Summer in Maine…
Item Description: Registration for Summer in Maine. Attendee: Lynette Ertel
Item Quantity: 1
Unit Price: USD 95.00
Taxable: N

Event Espresso – Calendar by Event Espresso version 2.0.6,
Event Espresso – MailChimp Integration by version 1.0.4,
Event Espresso – Multi Event Registration by Seth Shoultes version 1.0.4,
Event Espresso – Social Media by Event Espresso version,
Event Espresso by Event Espresso version,

Tomas Chadsey

June 17, 2013 at 10:10 am

I think the issue is the same as the issue from this thread:

It seems like the info is all getting passed and makes it into the itemized description field, but the default description field is being left blank. I probably wouldn’t have notice this if it werent for the fact that the default email template sends the standard description field in the payment confirmation, so we have to log in to view the details. That can be fixed at authorize, but there seems there might be another issue where some credit cards are being declined because nothing is being sent for description. Can the api description field be set up to send the name of the class as well as all the extra info you’re providing in the line item description?

Tomas Chadsey

June 17, 2013 at 1:10 pm

Still waiting for a response…


  • Support Staff

June 17, 2013 at 1:27 pm

Hi Thomas,

When you test this out, is it going through the Multi Event Registration cart or is this a single event registration. (Where nothing like Add to cart/view cart was clicked?)

Tomas Chadsey

June 17, 2013 at 1:29 pm

Hi Josh! We are using single event registration – no carts.
Here is a link to our site
Thanks, Tomas


  • Support Staff

June 18, 2013 at 8:16 am

Hi Tomas,

Is there another field that you’re thinking of using? The reason I ask is the event/class name is included in the x-Description field. This is the code from /gateways/aim/ that sets that field:

$myAuthorize->addField('x_Description', stripslashes_deep($event_name) . ' | ' . __('Reg. ID:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . $attendee_id . ' | ' . __('Name:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . stripslashes_deep($fname . ' ' . $lname) . ' | ' . __('Total Registrants:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . $quantity);

I checked Authnet’s list of API fields (starts on page 70) and I’m only seeing one description field. Is there something I’m missing?

Tomas Chadsey

June 18, 2013 at 10:24 am

Hmm, I’m wondering if maybe we’re missing some files or an update or something. In the Event Espresso plugin directory I see a file called /gateways/aim/aim_vars.php, but all it seems to be doing is displaying and then collecting the data from the form, no mention of the description field. There is another file /gateway/aim/aim_ipn.php that is calling the Espresso_AuthorizeNetAIM method, but still doesn’t seem to have a reference to Description. This file does have a reference to addLineItem and it seems that is where all the info about attendee, event name, ect are dumping.

As a side note to clear up any confusion. We have the multi user registration plugin installed as we are planning on switching to the cart soon, but are not currently using it, and items with single ticket prices are having the problem.

Tomas Chadsey

June 18, 2013 at 10:25 am

I did verify we are using version


  • Support Staff

June 18, 2013 at 11:03 am

You’re right. I was looking in the autnet sim gateway.

Anyway, you could try adding something like this to aim_vars.php:

<input name="x_Description" type="hidden" value="<?php echo stripslashes_deep($event_name); ?>" />

around line 85

Sidney Harrell

July 3, 2013 at 8:00 pm

You can add this around line 48 of aim_ipn.php:

$transaction->description = $event_name;
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