
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium integration error message "Line item 1 is invalid, response code 3 integration error message "Line item 1 is invalid, response code 3

Posted: November 30, 2012 at 8:56 am

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Signderstand LLC

November 30, 2012 at 8:56 am

Trying to process test transaction in “live mode”. No matter what, I keep getting declined with the following error message: “Attention: your transaction was declined for the following reason(s): Line item 1 is invalid. Response Code: 3 Response Subcode: 1” The same thing happened in test mode. is able to process test transactions on my live acct with no plm. Any idea what this could be? says EE would know what line item 1 is. Thanks for any help. I’ve been working at this for a long time.


  • Support Staff

November 30, 2012 at 11:37 am

Hi there,

I’m sorry for the trouble this has caused you. We recently added a new feature to the Authnet gateway that adds the name of the event that is being registered and paid for. What we didn’t catch in our testing was that if your event has a longer name (more than 31 characters to be exact), Authnet will invalid the submission.

You can manually apply the fix to the current version’s ( Authnet AIM gateway by changing lines 61 and 62 of /gateways/aim/aim_ipn.php to the following:

substr_replace($item->event_name, '...', 28), 
substr($item->price_option . ' for ' . $item->event_name . '. Attendee: '. $item->fname . ' ' . $item->lname, 0, 255),

We’ve fixed this in our dev version, and have tested it, and will be including this fix along with a few other fixes in the very next version of Event Espresso.

Alice Manning

November 30, 2012 at 4:49 pm

OK, I think this is my problem, too. Do I write over lines 61 & 62?
I am seeing:
$item->price_option . ‘ for ‘ . $item->event_name . ‘. Attendee: ‘. $item->fname . ‘ ‘ . $item->lname,


  • Support Staff

November 30, 2012 at 5:34 pm

Yes. To help clarify the code change, this line:


gets changed to:

substr_replace($item->event_name, '...', 28),

and this line:

$item->price_option . ‘ for ‘ . $item->event_name . ‘. Attendee: ‘. $item->fname . ‘ ‘ . $item->lname,

gets changed to:

substr($item->price_option . ' for ' . $item->event_name . '. Attendee: '. $item->fname . ' ' . $item->lname, 0, 255),

Alice Manning

November 30, 2012 at 6:11 pm

OK, thanks! It fixed the problem and my client is breathing better! 😉

Seth Shoultes

November 30, 2012 at 9:13 pm

Thanks for the update. I believe we are releasing an update on Monday, so this will be fixed in that release.

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