
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium SIM SIM

Posted: November 11, 2012 at 12:36 pm

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Greg Phillips

November 11, 2012 at 12:36 pm

Two issues with my SIM config:

(1) If I add a response/receipt url in settings (either using or, I get the following error on submit:

(14) The referrer, relay response or receipt link URL is invalid.

When I have no url in the settings, the transaction goes through fine, however, it redirects to, which displays my thank you page but with some broken images (because the images have relative paths and the GET is looking for

I have an SSL and have installed WordPress HTTPS. I get the same thank you page with the broken images regardless of whether I have checked “Force HTTPS on Return URL”

WP-cache is disabled. Thank you page is correctly configured and the page url in the payment settings field (yellow text field) is exactly what I entered. support (via chat) said the return url could not include script variables (e.g. /?page_id=#) – but I assumed you have already tested that.

(2) Second issue is that I am using both credit card and invoice payment options. When the registration payment page loads with both payment options, there is a significant gap between the payment option title and the credit card payment button. CSS inspector shows that the hidden fields are being separated by , thus creating the spacing issue and bumping the button so far down.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Sidney Harrell

November 11, 2012 at 6:53 pm

Yes, relative links to images will not work on the receipt page.’s servers will fetch the html of the receipt page from your server and display it to the customer coming from their server. Therefore, if you have a relative link to an image, the customer’s browser is going to be looking to fetch the image from the server with the relative path that you specified, which will obviously not work.

Greg Phillips

November 12, 2012 at 5:52 pm

Thanks Sidney. I got the SIM working by removing the url from and added full paths to the images.

Any ideas on the second issue with the breaks between the hidden fields pushing the payment button down?

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