
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Attendee records…

Attendee records…

Posted: October 30, 2015 at 5:27 pm

Guy Michaels

October 30, 2015 at 5:27 pm

I accidentally changed the date of an event that had two attendees registered. It erased their attendee data. In other words.. the event doesn’t exist anymore and I can find no record of their information.

How do I go in and find attendees when the event they either attended already has been deleted, or a future event that they are GOING to attend was accidentally deleted?

Is there a database I can pull up?

ALSO…. how do I transfer an attendee that signed up for a show on Thursday to a show on Saturday? I can not find anyway to do this… I am using EE3


  • Support Staff

November 2, 2015 at 3:16 am

Hi Guy,

Did you delete the event or just change the date?

Event Espresso should not remove the attendee data when you delete an event through the admin. Although you click to delete the event we don’t actually delete it, it is just marked with a status of deleted.

This means you should be able to set the status filters to find the ‘Deleted’ events from Event Espresso -> Event Overview, like this –

Noticed the status is selected to pull deleted events, you may also need to pull in all rows using the bottom field (this depends on how many events you have), but if you know the specific date for the event you can also use the month dropdown –

Your attendees should still be assigned to that ‘deleted’ event.

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