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Attendee Management Questions

Posted: November 9, 2012 at 8:39 am

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Sean Collishaw

November 9, 2012 at 8:39 am

Hi guys.. I’m trying to tie some things together on EE, and I’m having some difficulty wrapping my head around certain settings. Here’s what I understand so far:

  • I want anyone to be able to register for most events. Many of our events are open to anyone who wants to attend. However, I would also like for people to be able to update their status and say they are no longer attending. My understanding is this can’t be done unless the user has registered an account in WordPress. Is that correct?
  • Ideally I would like to restrict access to some events. We have people who attend our events who are members of our organization, and some who are just testing the waters. Some of our events are for group members only, and I would like to restrict registration to those users only, and not the general public. As best I can tell, that would require creating only WordPress user accounts for our group members, and setting those specific events to be Member Only. That, however, means that we can’t achieve the goal in the first item, allowing people to update their RSVP unless they have a member account. Is this also correct?
  • From what I’ve read and found, there’s no way to turn on Pre-Approval for individual events. We could turn that on, but then every attendee for every event would have to be approved. We only have a few member-only events per year, probably 15-20 rather than the 3/wk we have for anyone who would like to join.

My goal is to have most events open to anyone, and allow those people who have RSVP’d to be able to change their RSVP (cancel their registration). I would also like some events to be open only to our group members. Some of these events will also have to be monitored by staff as some events are only open to a subset of our group members (we’re a rock climbing group, so we try to make sure a new climber doesn’t join on an advanced trip).



November 10, 2012 at 4:02 am

Hi Mike,

I think what you need here is different membership levels. This isn’t built into EE as such but can be accomplished by combining the use of EE with a membership plugin such as S2Member. That way you can use the S2 shortcodes to block access to certain events only accessible to a certain level. It would also solve the pre-approval as you can have people join at the beginner level, and then manually (or provide a link somewhere, maybe via email) upgrade their accounts the the next higher level.

That way you can use the ESPRESSO_MY_EVENTS shortcode to allow all registered members to view their events from the front end and cancel/register as needed.

Sean Collishaw

November 12, 2012 at 12:51 pm

Thanks Dean! I’m digging into S2member and trying to figure out how I’ll get this to work. However, as best I can tell, S2member controls who can see certain posts but not necessarily events. If we have the event calendar enabled, wouldn’t anyone still be able to access the Event page and sign up, even if the Post is restricted by S2member?


November 12, 2012 at 11:59 pm

Hi Mike,

Events are posts, they are a custom post type, so the shortcodes etc that membership plugins use will work. You will probably need to edit the template however to make sure that the register buttons etc are covered in the “restriction” or you could use a combination of MER and removing the registration form. There are a few ways.

So to answer your question, if the event is restricted and someone clicks through from the calendar they wont be able to access anything or they will just see a message you have left.

S2member is a little complicated to get going but it works well once you get to grips with it.

Sean Collishaw

November 13, 2012 at 11:51 am

Thanks Dean! I’ll keep digging to see what I can get figured out.

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