
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Attendee Information page?

Attendee Information page?

Posted: September 2, 2014 at 12:31 pm

Meg McCauley

September 2, 2014 at 12:31 pm


We have an Event page that’s loaded with a lot of info. At the top of the page, we have a custom link that allows users to register and choose from two events in the cart.

So we have:
“Click here to register” > goes to the cart to choose the items wanted. >> which then goes to “Enter Attendee Information”.

It’s upon clicking on the “Enter Attendee Information”, which as you know, takes us back to the Event Page, with all that lovely information we have posted and leaves the “Attendee information” to be inputed, below… way below.

Is there a way to move the cart to “Enter Attendee Information” in a pop-up or a different page?

Link to the event in question:

Thank you once more for your help!


September 3, 2014 at 1:14 am


I am assuming that you added that description to the page containing the ESPRESSO_EVENTS shortcode?

It would be better to add that description either to the event description or to a separate page and add an Add to Cart shortcode (

This way the main Registration page (ESPRESSO_EVENTS) doesn’t have content on, because that page is used throughout the registration process in EE3.

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