
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Attendee data

Attendee data

Posted: January 16, 2024 at 12:50 pm


January 16, 2024 at 12:50 pm

Dear support team,

on our page, have the following issue: Let’s say, Tom registers himself, Peter and Susan for the three events. Tom is coming all three, Peter only two, and Susan only one. Right now, if Tom registers all of them (for them, which in our case happens regularly), he has to enter the name and surname of all them 6 times. He can copy his name to the other events, but he cannot copy the information of others. Is there no way to do this? To copy the others information?

Also: We need to remove the email address, we need no mails. Is that somehow possible?

Very best,


  • Support Staff

January 16, 2024 at 1:56 pm

Hi Timo,

He can copy his name to the other events, but he cannot copy the information of others. Is there no way to do this?

Not currently, no.

There’s no way we could allow people to just randomly be able to copy registrants from other data within the system (that sounds like a GDPR and other registration nightmare) so there would need to be some kind of interface to set up relationships to other’s data/linked registrants (which we don’t have).

In short, this isn’t as simple as it sounds and a large majority of our users wouldn’t get use of this functionality (obviously some will), it’s not something we have available within EE at this time and currently do not have plans/development in the pipeline to add it in (that’s not to say we wouldn’t in the future).

Also: We need to remove the email address, we need no mails. Is that somehow possible?

Not as it stands no, EE requires First Name and Email at a minimum.


January 16, 2024 at 1:58 pm

Thank you! I see.

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