
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Assign WP User to purchase

Assign WP User to purchase

Posted: September 8, 2023 at 4:30 am

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Mike Danchanko

September 8, 2023 at 4:30 am

I have an event and did not have login required. I now have installed EE WP USER INTEGRATION. Many users purchased tickets and I need to assign a few users to their purchases by creating accounts for them and then assigning the purchase to the new user account I create for them so they can login and see history. Is this possible and how do I do this?

if I turn on login can the option to create an account show up be optional so users can decide? if so how do I do this?

Thank you


  • Support Staff

September 8, 2023 at 7:40 am

Hi there,

I have an event and did not have login required. I now have installed EE WP USER INTEGRATION. Many users purchased tickets and I need to assign a few users to their purchases by creating accounts for them and then assigning the purchase to the new user account I create for them so they can login and see history. Is this possible and how do I do this?

Yes it is possible but we don’t have a UI to do it built into Event Espresso so you need to run some code on the site for each user.

So you have an EE_Registration within Event Espresso, but now you want to create a WP User account and link the 2 together, right?

If so you create a WP user using the same First Name, Last Name and Email Address.

Then follow this to link the WP User account to the EE_Contact for the registration:

(Be sure to double-check everything worked as your expected on your initial test before you run through all of the users with the above)

if I turn on login can the option to create an account show up be optional so users can decide? if so how do I do this?

This is not something we currently have an option for within Event Espresso.

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