
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Assign Date Page Issue

Assign Date Page Issue

Posted: November 27, 2023 at 5:49 pm

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November 27, 2023 at 5:49 pm


I’m having issues assigning tickets. Here is a link to some screenshots of the assign date menu:

It isn’t allowing me to choose the date time. The top two photos in the link are what I see when I’m adding a new ticket and am being prompted through it’s description, sale dates, price, etc., The last photo is the menu I see when I click on the ‘assign tickets’ button in the event date section (the one that looks like two little tickets).

I am able to add a ticket if I duplicate an existing one, but if I click the add new button I get stuck at the assign date section and can’t proceed.



  • Support Staff

November 27, 2023 at 6:14 pm

This should be just a CSS overwrite from the theme or other plugin.

Can we do some troubleshooting.

You can use or any similar plugin.

Then go to Tools -> Site Health -> Troubleshooting -> Enabled Troubleshooting mode.

That will disable all plugins and switch to a default theme and then allow you to enable specific plugins in troubleshooting mode. Once disabled you will revert back to the current state.

This can be also used for testing theme.

Let me know what happen.



November 27, 2023 at 8:04 pm


In troubleshooting mode I found that the Coblocks plugin was the source of the issue. Do I just need to deactivate that plugin, or is there a way to fix this issue and still have that plugin active?



  • Support Staff

November 27, 2023 at 8:35 pm

is that the only problem you see? what does coblocks do? is there any alternative? was that a paid plugin? you can submit issue to its developer and tell them that your WP backend is affected by their CSS.

let me know what they say.


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