
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Approved status – different listed behaviours – which is correct?

Approved status – different listed behaviours – which is correct?

Posted: February 15, 2020 at 2:54 pm

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February 15, 2020 at 2:54 pm

Hi, we just ran into our first cost ticket going approved without payment received. A ticket spot was also saved.
Looking at Registration statuses at:
it states that approved will happen after completed payment.

Looking at:
It shows that ‘not payment received tickets’ can just switch to approved themselves, these clients then receive the approved registration email (which just happened to us)

I’m confused! I need a ticket to only count/be approved when payment is received. Please help me set this up.
As a secondary question: if I change the default setting from approved to payment pending or vice versa – will this apply to all future tickets from that point forward or only a new event?
I ask because of the statement:
“Note that changing this setting does NOT retroactively apply it to existing events.”
Thank you,

  • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Tony.


  • Support Staff

February 17, 2020 at 6:36 am

Hi Tanya,

A quick note about the community forum, we (EE Support) don’t actively monitor the community forum as it is intended to be a section which users can discuss various options between themselves. If you are posting a question to us I recommend using the premium forums so we don’t miss it (I’ve moved your thread over).

With regards to your question, I’ll first refer to Event Espresso’s default set up as that is what the wiki is referring to.

When Event Espresso is initially installed it sets the ‘Default Registration Status’ on all events to use ‘Pending Payment’.

Registrations with a status of ‘Pending Payment’ do not count towards your sold values, because they are awaiting payment.

Registrations with a status of ‘Approved’ are the only* (see below for an exception to this) registrations that count towards your sold values on the event.

EE uses pending payment as the default and if a user pays in full for their ticket using one of the online payment methods, EE automatically updates their registration status to Approved.

That’s the default setup and how the majority of eCommerce would normally work, you select a product, pay and then the product is yours. If you select a product and chose not to pay right at the end or select an invoice payment method, the registration sits awaiting payment and you as the admin chose what to do from there.

A default registration status of ‘Approved’ basically tells EE that regardless of payment status, update the registration to Approved so they apply to the sold values and the admin can work from there.

Now, as the Admin you can change the status of ANY registration to be ANY status you like. If you know a registration selected to pay by invoice and its sitting as ‘Pending Payment’ but you’ve spoken to that user and feel they should apply to the sold values you can update that registration to Approved and then apply the payment later (or again, you as the admin can apply the payment manually and automatically update the registration status to Approved)

Point being, EE automatically Approves registrations when they pay in full using an online payment method, anything else it uses the ‘Default Registration Status’ value and applies it. You as the admin can choose to do whatever you wish with any registration.

I’m confused! I need a ticket to only count/be approved when payment is received. Please help me set this up.

Then you want to use a default registration status of ‘Pending Payment’ and leave EE to update the registration when payments are made.

There are 2 settings for the Default Registration Status:

1. Event Espresso -> Event -> Default Settings -> Default Registration Status

Set that to ‘Pending Payment’ and save.

However, that will NOT change any of your current events as there is an option for this set on each individual event (you may want your ‘normal’ events to work as above, but have 1 event that approves all registrations, you may not, but EE give you the option to with this set up).

So that option tells EE what the value on the event should be when you create a new event, you can change that on a per event basis, but whatever is set there is used when a new event is loaded in the editor.

2. Event Espresso -> Events -> {event} -> Event Registrations Options -> Default Registration Status

That’s the per-event setting, it tells that specific event what the default registration status is.

So if all of your current events are set to use ‘Approved’ you need to eidt each one and change that value to ‘Pending Payment’ then save.

The exception for approved registrations and the sold cout is the ‘ticket reservation system’ used within EE4 which temporarily ‘reserves’ a selected ticket during a users session to prevent overselling, tickets selected temporarily apply to a reserved count, which is then also compared with the ‘sold’ value. In short, this allows you to have 1 space left and when the user selects the ticket it reserves that space so the user has time to complete the registration before someone else steals that spot. The tickets are ‘released’ back on sale when the session expires if they don’t have an ‘Approved’ registration by then (by default 1 hour).


February 17, 2020 at 3:47 pm

Thank you Tony, you have no idea how seeing it this way helps things be a little clearer.
I changed, within the actual event, ‘approved’ default status to ‘payment pending’…this was done after the majority of the tickets were sold; do I understand correctly that the remaining tickets will have ‘payment pending’ as their default setting until payment is received – holding that spot for approx 1 hour


  • Support Staff

February 17, 2020 at 4:10 pm

Yes, thats correct.

With a default registration of pending payment, registrations don’t apply to sold values until they pay using an online payment method through Event Espresso or you (the admin) update the status manually

The ‘reserved’ spot I mentioned above still applies and yes, by default that is held for roughly 1 hour.

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