The link “Use Cases” in the sidebar on the right always seems to point to the page currently displayed. Other of the links in the sidebar work, but the “Use Cases” page always takes you back to where you were…
But I did find the use cases link. I was hoping to find more “workflow” related documentation there, but…
We are currently working on improving and expanding the documentation, if there is something that you would like to see in there, feel free to mention it, we are definitely open to ideas onhow to improve the documentation.
Workflow sounds interesting, so something similar to the “use case” where we guide you through the process of setting up the plugin in a certain way?
I was thinking of something more granular than what you’re calling a “use case”. I’m building a test server right now to try the 3.2 beta. I’ll get back to you after that.
This reply was modified 12 years, 3 months ago by tleith.
OK, please do, we are always interested in what our community has to say 😀
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