
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium An Error Has Occurred: Form Data Could Not Be Applied (2)

An Error Has Occurred: Form Data Could Not Be Applied (2)

Posted: June 27, 2016 at 8:04 am

Alexander Quesada

June 27, 2016 at 8:04 am


Whenever someone tried to register, Event Espresso would show:

An Error Has Occurred: Form Data Could Not Be Applied

I followed instructions to not cache the critical pages as I found in support documentation, however, it did not help. I currently have W3 Total Cache “Object Cache” disabled, and that fixed the issue. As I said, I already entered all critical pages into “Never cache the following pages”, but it did not seem to help.


Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

June 27, 2016 at 12:20 pm

Hi Alexander,

Could you provide a link to any active event on your site?

My other question is that the slugs in the no-cache documentation are for the default slugs for those pages. That is, if you have changed the page slugs through the pages editor, then you’ll want to use your updated slugs.

You’ll be able to find those out by going to Event Espresso –> Critical pages. Then you can click to edit one of the pages and you’ll be taken to the page editor and the slug will appear in the URL.



  • Support Staff

June 27, 2016 at 2:04 pm

Is this a revisit to the issue reported in your other thread?

If so, it’s probably some server level caching that’s happening only on the hospital servers. The way forward will be to disable the caching for the site that handles the event registration.

Alexander Quesada

June 28, 2016 at 9:14 am


I did make sure to use the current critical pages. An example of an event is:

However, I currently have Object Cache turned off since we have people enrolling.


No, this is actually a new problem which was happening to any and all users trying to register. I attempted many times and would receive the same error until I turned off Object Cache.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

June 28, 2016 at 9:36 am


One of my testing sites runs on WP Engine and they have an object cache feature that excludes the critical pages and registrations are working.

When object cache is turned on through your site and then you inspect one of the pages such as the registration checkout page, then do you see a URI rejected message in the page source?

That means that W3 total cache will not cache that page.


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