
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Allowing registrations after event sold out

Allowing registrations after event sold out

Posted: May 18, 2016 at 8:47 am

Mike Barnes

May 18, 2016 at 8:47 am

Hi, I have an event set up with one ticket type (General Admission) and a limit of 16 tickets. I set up the event datetime with a limit of 16 as well. Event registration went live a couple of days ago. Before this morning we were at 14 registrations, and then this morning we received 4 more registrations (giving us 18)! I checked the event page on our website, and it shows now as sold out. It looks like the last few registrations all happened within a few minutes of each other, but I’m confused (and concerned) as to how they were all allowed to register? When does the system check to make sure that there are still available tickets for an event?

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

May 18, 2016 at 1:16 pm

Hi Mike,

There are several checks during registration checkout and we are introducing some additional checks to provide more coverage.

Have you run into this on any other events?


Mike Barnes

May 19, 2016 at 5:11 am

No, I haven’t, which is why I was surprised by it. As best I can tell, it may be that two customers started order near the same time, when tickets were available. My best guess is that this is what happened:

There were two tickets available; customer A purchased 1 ticket, taking a few minutes to fill out the related question. During this time, Customer B saw that two tickets were available and started to purchase both tickets. Customer A completed their purchase first (taking one ticket), and then Customer B completed their purchase (taking two tickets even though only one was available). To make matters more interesting, Customer A then went back (I’m guessing using the back button in the browser) and purchased another ticket for a friend, now putting us two over the limit.

That’s the only thing I can think of, since I went to the page after I saw the first over-sold ticket come in, and I saw that the tickets for that event were marked as sold out. I was surprised to see another ticket come in after that.


  • Support Staff

May 19, 2016 at 7:41 am

Hi there,

It turns out that currently Event Espresso 4 doesn’t process ticket selections as a completed registration. There’s a branch on github that adds a ticket inventory feature that essential removes selected tickets from the available inventory, then adds them back to the inventory if the registration process is abandoned. You’re welcome to test the branch if you like, it’s available to download from github:

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