Hi, I’d like to do away with the add to cart and view cart buttons and have all of the events just on the booking page as if they were already added to cart. Most of the customers want to buy more than one event and we don’t really need the add to and view buttons, just a choice of events with their ticket amount dropdowns. Please say that there is a way of achieving this? Looking forward to replies. All the best… oh, and the booking page for the website is http://rainbowfutures.co.uk/?page_id=17
This topic was modified 12 years, 1 month ago by Phil Wildcroft.
This topic was modified 12 years, 1 month ago by Josh. Reason: not a translation question
The closest you could get to this would be to use the Custom Files Add on Espresso Tables shortcode to list the events in a table with an add to cart link for each.
It wouldnt be 100% perfect as they would do that and then be faced with the cart itself, but it is the closest available without having to change core files or code something from scratch.
Sorry for another question, would this take a lot of coding? I’m keen to have this done for my client and don’t mind a bit of work if pointed in the right direction? Just to reiterate; basically need the booking page to display as a cart with the events already added.
To do precisely what you are after I am unsure how much coding it would take, because if I understand right you pretty much want all events added straight to the cart and the cart displayed, I would need to get a developer to weigh in on that.
Regarding my option, with the Custom files add on you could add the shortcode into a page ([ESPRESSO_TABLE] and modify the template file to get the right columns etc, with basic PHP skills maybe an hour or so? I wouldnt say I am awesome at PHP and I have modified the files quite easily.
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