
Home Forums Pre-Sales Agile CRM, Draft Posts, and Recurring Events

Agile CRM, Draft Posts, and Recurring Events

Posted: November 21, 2014 at 11:51 am


November 21, 2014 at 11:51 am

I would like to be able to push each event attendee as a “deal” in AgileCRM. Do you know if this is possible with the JSON API, modification of the infusionsoft AddOn, or what may be involved to do it?

I’m using EE3 as a method to manage users signing up for one of several “events” that occur each day (A feature article on my site). There is only one “attendee” for each event, and the events happen every day. Once a person pays, the event closes and is removed from recurring dropdown list, etc.

I’m wondering if the recurring events add-on will automatically create a new event for each day with one opening, and if so, how far out it will do this (3 months?)

Ideally, I would like to set-up EE so that when a person signs up for an event, they submit some information that is then saved as a draft post scheduled to display on my site for the day they have signed-up.

…. So.. biggest question is: Am I crazy for trying to do this with EE vs. a different plugin. If this requires a bit of custom coding, is this something I could pay you to do?

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

November 24, 2014 at 11:59 am

Hi, the JSON API add-on assists in providing the information that is shown in the mobile apps. It can’t be used for editing or creating new events. The Infusionsoft integration was written for the Infusionsoft service so while some areas could be reused, it would need to be re-written for the new service.

The recurring events manager uses an initial event as a template and builds out events based on a schedule that you set up. It does not have a hard limit on event creation.

For example, if you set it to create three months of events based on a schedule, then it will do that for you. Some screenshots of the interface is available here:

Check with these developers here regarding your project requirements:

They would be able to provide more information on any custom coding that may be needed for your project.


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