
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Additonal attendee

Additonal attendee

Posted: August 24, 2012 at 7:04 pm

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August 24, 2012 at 7:04 pm

Is there any way I can get more flexibility in which question groups are applied to additional attendees? I do not want to use the default question group for this. I’ve changed the structure of questions to try and suit me about 5 times but this limitation wont work with any logic I can come up with. I will have two types of events:

Classes – Primary Attendee type is “anyone” and I have second question group for student as in most cases the parent will be managing the account for their children. I would like the additional attendee to also be for students.

Shows – Primary and Additional Attendee types is anyone

So I need more flexibility in which questions I’m forced to ask.

Now, if the ticket plugin provides this additional flexibility for ticketed events then I’m done. If not I need to know how to modify this.


  • This topic was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by emoria.

Jonathan Wilson

August 24, 2012 at 9:25 pm


Have you looked at the documentation here on setting up questions and question groups?

If you have further questions, post back so we can help you.


August 24, 2012 at 10:31 pm


Thanks for your response. I just read trough the document and it seems there is no information to do what I’m asking.

However, sometimes it just takes a little interaction with another human to jump start creative thought.

I will just call the default field Attendee Fields! This way I’m not it is applicable to a show goer or a student. Thank you very much for the stimulation 🙂

Would you by any chance know what is responsible for the output to the PDF invoices? I’m getting HTML tags in the address field.

Jonathan Wilson

August 24, 2012 at 11:43 pm

Sorry I wasn’t more direct to answer your question. Glad you figured it out, though.

To fix the HTML tags in the invoices: Go to Event Espresso>Payments settings. In the Invoice Payment settings box, look in the address to send payment box for any html tags and remove them.


August 30, 2012 at 6:24 pm

That worked. I still need to format the address field though. It shows up with the zip code on its own line on tickets and event listings where the venue address is shown.

1 street ave
sometown, ca

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

September 4, 2012 at 2:11 pm

If the zip code is on its own line (and you don’t want it to be) change this:

1 street ave
sometown, ca

to this:

1 street ave
sometown, ca 01924


September 4, 2012 at 8:31 pm

Yes now can you translate that into the php responsible for constructing it that way? lol


September 6, 2012 at 2:09 am


This may or may not help.

If you change the registration_page_display.php, line 100 where it says

<span class="address-block"> <?php echo stripslashes_deep($location); ?><br />


<?php $change_location= $location;
$change_location = str_replace("<br />", ", ", $change_location);
<span class="address-block"> <?php echo stripslashes_deep($change_location); ?><br />

It will change the address into a single line of text, i.e.

123 Somewhere St, Salford, Manchester, M12 5TG, UK


September 10, 2012 at 2:15 pm

I’d really like it to be formated in what appears proper in my mind. Like you would write on a letter. It looks like the way the address is built is the problem. Maybe we’ll see this updated in a future version.

  • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by emoria.

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

September 10, 2012 at 6:30 pm

Oh, are you talking about the BILL TO address?? I thought you were talking about the organization address that appears at the top.

You need to edit the template.php file in /gateways/invoice and then upload that and function.pdf.php to /wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways/invoice

On line 143 – 144 change this:

$pdf->Cell(100, 5, (pdftext($attendee_city != '' ? $attendee_city : '') . ($attendee_state != '' ? ' ' . $attendee_state : '')), 0, 1, 'L');
$attendee_zip != '' ? $pdf->Cell(50, 5, $attendee_zip, 0, 1, 'L') : '';

to this:

$pdf->Cell(100, 5, (pdftext($attendee_city != '' ? $attendee_city . ', ' : '') . ($attendee_state != '' ? ' ' . $attendee_state : '') . ( $attendee_zip != '' ? ' ' . $attendee_zip : '' )), 0, 1, 'L');
//$attendee_zip != '' ? $pdf->Cell(50, 5, $attendee_zip, 0, 1, 'L') : '';

to get this:


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