
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Additional Services with in an event

Additional Services with in an event

Posted: May 12, 2023 at 11:48 am

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May 12, 2023 at 11:48 am

I have an event that has a cost. This event also has additional paid services that you can choose to pay for or not. I was able to make this happen by creating additional question in the registration from with a type of pricing. Everything seems to work very well. You go to register a person. Fill out the form picking additional services within the form. The total is correct and everything. My question is that sometime a participant will want to go back later and add one of the services they did not get in the initial registration we call this add-ons.

I created a ticket that is zero cost using the same registration. When I add an add-on service (or more). The total looks correct, however when I complete the registration from it does not go to my credit card payment page instead it goes to a pending payments screen and there is a link to go to a payments page however it is blank no way to pay with a credit card.

After a bit of trail and error I found if I make the ticket price one penny it works as expected. However, now the goes of the add-on is one penny more than it should.

I am looking for any type of suggestion. Maybe there is a better way to do additional services maybe there is a way to have the free ticket goes to a credit card page if there are additional services.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


  • Support Staff

May 12, 2023 at 1:40 pm

How are you making a question a price value that updates the price? Are you using a third-party add-on?

My question is that sometime a participant will want to go back later and add one of the services they did not get in the initial registration we call this add-ons.

Generally speaking, to alter a registration it would require that you cancel the initial registration and add a new registration.

I created a ticket that is zero cost using the same registration. When I add an add-on service (or more). The total looks correct, however when I complete the registration from it does not go to my credit card payment page instead it goes to a pending payments screen and there is a link to go to a payments page however it is blank no way to pay with a credit card.

Using the same registration; such as the same registration number or transaction for the same person in question?

Zero cost registrations are designed to skip the payment step. If you’re using a third-party add-on that adds a price to the registration somewhere in the registration step, then that add-on will need to take into account that the system is designed to skip the payment step with a zero cost ticket.


May 14, 2023 at 8:00 am

Thank you so much for you reply. Your answers do make a lot of sense. The plugin that allows the price addition is called Price Modifier For Event Espresso 4. I will look at ask the creates about this issue. And yes this would be for the same participant however I do not expect it to be the same registration or transaction. We would make sure the “Add-On” was give to the correct person outside of the Event Espresso system. Thanks again for your response.


May 14, 2023 at 8:00 am

Thank you so much for you reply. Your answers do make a lot of sense. The plugin that allows the price addition is called Price Modifier For Event Espresso 4. I will look at ask the creates about this issue. And yes this would be for the same participant however I do not expect it to be the same registration or transaction. We would make sure the “Add-On” was give to the correct person outside of the Event Espresso system. Thanks again for your response.


May 14, 2023 at 8:07 am

Sorry for the double entry.

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