
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Adding participants

Adding participants

Posted: June 14, 2019 at 11:20 am

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Steve Tanser

June 14, 2019 at 11:20 am

Is it possible to add an attendee to an event just using their username. We use the booking system for classic car events. We have members who are not computer literate and would like to simple adding them to events. Currently this involves typing details in for members who are already users so duplicating information already held. Also is it possible to when adding members to events manually is it possible for that registration to be linked to their account. ie so they can see what events they are registered to.


  • Support Staff

June 14, 2019 at 12:28 pm


Some of this is possible with the WP User Integration add-on. With the WP User Integration add-on, if they’re logged into their user account on the site, the registration form is automatically filled out for them. Please note the autocomplete feature does not work for admins (you’d need to be logged into their account to not have to type in their details).

The WP User Integration does link their registrations to their account, so they can see which events they’ve registered for.

You’ll find more information here:

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