
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Adding attendees after the event, scanning and more

Adding attendees after the event, scanning and more

Posted: July 1, 2013 at 10:32 am

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July 1, 2013 at 10:32 am

I combining several question under one thread, hopefully that is OK. We had our event this past Saturday and I need to do some clean up in our database.

1) How do I add attendees who showed up at the door? They filled a paper form and paid by cash or check. I have their names, but do not have their email address to fake the registration process on their behalf. Also, the event is closed now anyhow. I would prefer to do it in a batch mode, if possible, by uploading these attendees’ info as an Excel or CSV file.

2) We had about 50% success rate scanning tickets using iPad and Android Event Espresso mobile app. For many registered users the app showed red thumb down picture saying not paid, after checking the user’s details on laptop withing the WP we could clearly see that users paid via PayPal. We had to check in the user manually by using “Mark as attended” button in WP dashboard. Is there an explanation for this?

3) We could not find some registered users in system until we figured out that plugin was retrieving only 50 records from database. After changing retrieve to ALL the missing users showed up, however, this setting had to be reset every time someone was doing a search on a person. Is there a way to set default settings to retrieve all records?

Thank you,



July 2, 2013 at 12:46 am

Hi Jake,

1) Event Espresso Attendee Batch Import Tool Add-on v0.1 from the Pre Release channel may help with this, though you will need to insert a fake email for them.

2) Honestly, no. Were those users marked as completed in the attendee over view? Were the apps and API/Espresso Services up to date? Was there anything that could link why these users were not being marked in?

3) Not currently, but this is something I want to see added as well, I will add your voice to the request.


July 2, 2013 at 3:52 am

Thanks. Just wanted to confirm how one question answer is separated from another in attendees.csv. It looks like you are using question number, followed by | character and space, the actual answer verbiage, followed by space, | and |. Very strange. Can you confirm this?

Thank you,



July 2, 2013 at 4:14 am


It is structured like so:

question id | answer || question id | answer || question id | answer


July 2, 2013 at 4:15 am

Thank you, I will give it a try tonight.



July 2, 2013 at 4:34 am

No problem, let me know if you need any assistance.

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