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Add to cart redirects to wrong page

Posted: March 19, 2013 at 6:32 pm

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March 19, 2013 at 6:32 pm

I just noticed that if I click an ‘Add to Cart’ link before my page has completely loaded it will redirect me to another page instead of adding the event to my cart. I’ve got an event table setup on this page:

And if you hit an ‘add to cart’ link in the table before the page is fully loaded (our test site has been running slow lately) it redirects me to:

I have an add to cart button setup in my event descriptions that will do the same thing. So if you go to the link below:

And you click the add to cart button before the site has loaded the page fully, it redirects to:

If you wait until the site is pages load they work fine. Any idea if there is a way to fix this other than hoping our live site will load its pages quickly?

Thanks for your time as always.


March 20, 2013 at 2:34 am

And if you hit an ‘add to cart’ link in the table before the page is fully loaded (our test site has been running slow lately) it redirects me to:

The add to cart feature is based on jQuery, so the jQuery is not loading quickly enough, even though it is added to the header in the case.

You do have a lot of jquery running on the site including two sets of validation jquery

I would try to reduce the number of jQuery calls on the page or find another way of speeding loading up.


March 20, 2013 at 6:16 pm

Alright, thanks for the info dean!

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