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Add to Cart possible with Recurring Events Drop Down List?

Posted: January 23, 2014 at 3:58 pm

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Diane Kuhler

January 23, 2014 at 3:58 pm

WP v. 3.8, Event Espresso v., http://www.desertcommunity

Is it possible to have an “add to cart” link feature (like in MER) in conjunction with the Recurring Events Drop Down add-on? What steps need to happen? Want to sell monthly classes but allow customers to buy more than one type of class at a time or more than one month’s classes. I like the way the drop down looks. Do I need to use a create a custom list instead? Again…what are the steps. New to this plugin.


  • Support Staff

January 24, 2014 at 3:38 am

Hi Diane,

Unfortunately the Recurring Events Drop Down Add-on currently does not support the add to cart link in the date list, this would need some custom development to include the code within the add-on.

Depending how comfortable you are with PHP you could add the [ESPRESSO_CART_LINK] shortcode to the Add-on achieve this.

I will add this to our feature request list but can not comment on if/when it will be included.

Diane Kuhler

January 27, 2014 at 4:40 am

I would like to avoid modifying PHP files BUT…if it’s just a matter of adding one line of shortcode like you provided, it shouldn’t be hard to do. I would just need to know where to insert the shortcode line. Is that really all?

ALSO…I added a waitlist event to capture overflow for an event. The Recurring events add-on will show the waitlist event, but wont allow anyone to join the waiting list (it does allow people to join in regular MER mode) . Is this another limitation of the recurring events dropdown add-on? Finding this add-on to be pretty useless so far. What are your thoughts?


  • Support Staff

January 28, 2014 at 2:50 pm

Hi Diane,

I had a look into the waitlist issue mentioned and believe I’ve found the cause.

Its a simple fix if you would like to add this yourself? I have however created a ticket to have this fixed with the next template update.

If you open up espresso-template-recurring-dropdown/index.php on lines 156 – 158 you’ll find:

if ($e['allow_overflow'] == 'Y'){
echo '[ <a href="'.espresso_reg_url($event->overflow_event_id).'">'.__('Join Waiting List').'</a> ]';									}

Change that to:

if ($e['allow_overflow'] == 'Y'){
$overflow_url = espresso_reg_url($e['overflow_event_id']);										echo '[ <a class="waitlist" href="'.$overflow_url.'">'.__('Join Waiting List').'</a> ]';

That should fix the waitlist URL’s.

As mentioned this will be included within the next template update.

I’ve also added a feature request to include MER links within the dropdown although I’m unsure if/when they will be applied currently.

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