
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Add to cart on multi event registration not working

Add to cart on multi event registration not working

Posted: July 4, 2013 at 12:13 pm

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Stacey Lindsay

July 4, 2013 at 12:13 pm

Add to cart text shows up on my event listings but when you click on it nothing happens. The register button works but not add to cart.

I updated my version of wordpress right before loading Event Espresso, I checked to make sure the plug in was installed, I have categories, questions, all sections filled in and have [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] on a page which is not in my navigation. None of these pages are in the navigation yet until I figure this out. Here is a link to the page with [ESPRESSO_EVENTS]:



July 5, 2013 at 3:49 am

Hello Stacey,

The reason for this is that your theme is disregarding the default jQuery that comes with WordPress (currently version 1.8.3) and instead loading an old version of jQuery itself (ver 1.4.2).

Unfortunately our plugin does not support that old a version.

There is a couple of ways to fix it, one being to contact the theme author and have them do it (there mayb even be an update to the theme), and two if you are comfortable editing php files to remove the loading of this old file and allow WordPress to load the latest supported version.

Only issue is if the theme is reliant on that jquery, changing it may cause other issues.

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