
Home Forums Multiple Event Registration Add-on Add to Cart multiple events button with events that are past or not yet open

Add to Cart multiple events button with events that are past or not yet open

Posted: September 16, 2013 at 10:26 am

Ron Opher

September 16, 2013 at 10:26 am

I am newly installing Event Espresso with WordPress 3.5 and I have installed the Recurring Events and Multi Event Registration add ons.

The website I am working on sells classes in 6-week blocks, and after the 3rd session of one 6-week block they require purchase of the next 6-week block.

I set this up by making the 2nd 6-week block open for registration on the day after the 3rd session of the previous block, and then creating an “add to cart” button with the IDs of all 12 classes. The problem is… on a given date, some of those 12 might be in the past and some might be not yet open for registration. I would like the “add to cart” button to add only those classes which are not past and are open for registration.

What I have discovered is that the “add to cart” button adds the wrong items and starts generating errors when it includes events that are either past or not yet open.

I saw in another thread on this forum that Event Espresso 3.1.36 may have resolved this issue. I tried to install the alpha version but received some dashboard errors. My question is whether 3.1.36 will be available soon and whether it has fixed the issue of past events or events not open for registration being added to the cart?

Sidney Harrell

September 16, 2013 at 4:37 pm

Here is a link to an updated version of 3.1.36-Beta: 3.1.36-Beta

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