
Home Forums Multiple Event Registration Add-on Add to card buttons and few more issues

Add to card buttons and few more issues

Posted: August 14, 2013 at 5:57 am

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Peter Stoianov

August 14, 2013 at 5:57 am


Could you please possibly look at the following:
When not showing registration form from the event setup menu:

1.When you get an event set up you have a nice button for view details but add to cart is just plain text. Could you not do it as a button as well. Its the most important button to be…
2.When you click on view details there is not a link to purchase tickets. We tried to place a short code but it looks very big and it just says Register.
3 Why after pressing add to cart you get view cart (another plain text) before even selection any tickets. Then after view cart you get an option to buy. Its a two step prossess and a bit confusing. Could we avoid that?

4 If a registration form is to be shown and group allowed, then the buyer is not given the option to copy details to other group attendees, but if the reg for is off thats an option??

Kind Regards


August 14, 2013 at 6:41 am


1) You are right it does seem strange. I will add it to our feature request list. However you can of course use CSS to style the link.

2) The view details button? I assume you mean the view cart link, if so it takes you to the cart to select the number of tickets for each event in the cart. The process with Multiple Event Registration is that you add X number of events to the cart, click the view cart link, select the ticket numbers and the, click the aqdd attendee link to add the registrant details , then onto the payment page.

3) This process allows users to add multiple events to the cart before entering details. If you want the user to just add the item to cart and then be taken to the cart you would either need to modify the template to achieve this or use a shortcode.

4) Yes currently the copy all data is only for Multiple Event Registration items.

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