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Add Sponsors to Event

Posted: June 20, 2015 at 1:41 pm

Targeting Excellence

June 20, 2015 at 1:41 pm

My theme has the ability to build sponsor lists with logos etc. There is also a shortcode I can use to add these to any page/post on the site. How can I add this to the event pages built through Event Espresso? I would either want to add it to the bottom of the page after the location information. The other option would be to have it in the sidebar. Is there a way to define sidebars for event pages?


June 22, 2015 at 1:27 am


I see you’re using EE4.

There’s a couple of options:

1) You could use one of the many hooks available in EE4, such as AHEE_event_details_after_the_content (which is used to display something after the event description).

Or what about AHEE__content_espresso_venues_details_template__after_the_content which is a hook to do something after the venue description has been displayed.

You would need to create a small function, ideally in a site specific plugin, that calls the shortcode when the action hook is fired.

More info on Site Specific Plugins:

2) Regarding the sidebars, you could use a plugin such as Custom Sidebars ( to generate a unique sidebar for Events. This can also be used if your theme has any in content widgetised areas (widgetised areas is the formal name for sidebars as they do not need to be specifically at the side of the content, they could for example be at the bottom of the post content though not many themes have this).

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