Philippe von Bergen
May 10, 2013 at 6:29 am
Hi support team,
The usual:
WP version: WPMU 3.5.1
Event Espresso:
Ticketing: 2.0.10
Espresso Services: 2.2
I have installed Event Espresso, the ticketing addon and the espresso services “API”. I followed the instructions given here and also made the changes proposed for multisite users.
The instructions given on the page seem to be incorrect for my version of WordPress. This is due to the following reasons:
$wpdb->prefix returns the prefix for each site including the id of the site (e.g. wp_5_). The base prefix is returned by $wpdb->base_prefix (e.g. wp_).
Instead of changing all instances of {$wpdb->prefix}events* (already resolving to wp_#_events*), I had to change the instances of {$wpdb->prefix}users (resolving to wp_#_users) to {$wpdb->base_prefix}users (resolving to wp_users).
As in a single install both $wpdb->prefix and $wpdb->base_prefix return the base prefix (e.g. wp_), I’d propose to change the provided espresso service PHP files as outlined above and remove the notice for multisite users.
I hope, my explanations are comprehensible and you are able to verify my conclusion.
Best regards,