
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Accessing Question Group Answers on Thank You Page

Accessing Question Group Answers on Thank You Page

Posted: March 4, 2019 at 7:34 am

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March 4, 2019 at 7:34 am

My end client uses something called PassKey for event specific hotel registration. So on the thank you page from event registration I need to build a link that the user can click to go to the hotel. The link contains name/address/email/etc as well as the appropriate PassKey Event Id and such (I’m using Advanced Custom Fields for that and it’s working great).
Here’s a sample link: City&LastName=Test&FirstName=Dave&eventCode=LEAATT01234567&eventID=1234567&Address1=123 Test Road&

So at this point, I need the value the user entered in the ‘Company’ Question that I added to the Address Question Group for that event. This is the part of the link I’m trying to populate: Organization=XXXXXXXX

I output the value of $registration using print_r() but Company does not appear in the output. (nor do any other questions)

How can I get this info?


  • Support Staff

March 4, 2019 at 2:28 pm

Hi there,

Which hook are you currently using?

$registration is an EE_Registration object, correct?

I output the value of $registration using print_r() but Company does not appear in the output. (nor do any other questions)

Questions/Answers are not stored within the registration itself so you won’t find them in the EE_Registration object.

However, if you have the EE_Registration object you can use something like:

$question_id = 11; //Assuming the ID of your 'Organization' question is 11

$organization_ans_obj = EEM_Answer::instance()->get_registration_question_answer_object( $registration, $question_id );

if ( $organization_ans_obj instanceof EE_Answer ){
    //If we have an answer object, echo the 'pretty' value for it.
    $organization = $answer_obj->pretty_value();

Rather than using print_r() for our Model objects I highly recommend using Kint Debugger and wrapping the vars in d();, the output is much easier to follow and you can view all of the available methods on the object.

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