
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Accessing EE core object properties

Accessing EE core object properties

Posted: January 22, 2016 at 9:12 am


January 22, 2016 at 9:12 am

I’m relatively new to WordPress development and EE development, so apologies if this question is a little obtuse.

I’m trying to better understand the way Event Espresso is built so I can create stand-alone plugins to modify some of the core system functionality, but I’m having a difficult time following the code structure.

I know I can use action hooks and filters to “hook in” to various places within the EE core, however what I really don’t understand is how to access object methods for instantiated classes within the core itself, because I can’t even find where core classes within Event Espresso are being instantiated.

I can find a particular class with properties I want to access, for example, but I can’t find any instances of it being instantiated – anywhere. I have a strong grasp of PHP and OOP principles, but I’m finding it difficult to get the bigger picture of the general control flow of EE.

Is it even possible to access class properties via action hooks?

Many thanks,



  • Support Staff

January 22, 2016 at 11:22 am

Hi there,

You might find these two docs from the developer portal helpful for getting started on your project:

Further to that, if there’s somewhere in the code where an action or filter hook will be helpful for your plugin, you are welcome to start a pull request on the Event Espresso project hosted on Github:

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