
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Ability to try out business license after purchasing personal license?

Ability to try out business license after purchasing personal license?

Posted: January 9, 2014 at 1:32 pm

Jason Jacobson

January 9, 2014 at 1:32 pm


I’ve purchased the personal license since I needed to really test this out live.

I’m so far not happy with the personal version and would like to know if I can try out the business license to see if it would better fit my needs. Even a week or so would be good enough to have an idea if the extra add ons would increase functionality enough to use this.

What I’m looking for:
mailchimp integration
recurring events manager
wp user integration
custom files

Can I try out the business license with my existing installation? Otherwise I’m going to have to find a better solution.




  • Support Staff

January 9, 2014 at 2:03 pm

Hi Jason,

Ouch! I’m sorry that you’re not happy with Event Espresso so far.

While we do not offer the files that are included with the business license as free tryout samples, we have a few options where you can test out its more advanced features. I’ll outline them here:

recurring events manager
wp user integration

These can be tested out for free on the site. You can sign up for a free testdrive event manager account here:

mailchimp integration is not installed on the free testdrive site, but it can be purchased separately or as part of the Full test drive:

Finally, the custom functions add-on doesn’t add much feature wise, so it’s not something that really can be tested. It’s mostly a convenient place where you can add custom functions to override Event Espresso. You can also add your own custom functions to a custom snippet plugin and it will work just the same.

Hope that helps!

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