
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Ability to manage events from one site, display on multiples

Ability to manage events from one site, display on multiples

Posted: January 21, 2014 at 1:13 pm


January 21, 2014 at 1:13 pm

I currently have a few sites using your plugin (Dev license). I’d like to be able to enter events in one installation, but have the other sites be able to display them, calendar, etc, and sell tickets for them. Everything being stored in the main database. I’d like to be able to do this with an addon or something similarly simple, and not have to program it. I’ve looked around the forum, and others have requested this feature. But, the solutions have been complicated. It would seem you would add this capability as long as each site is licensed. Any help? (I have the latest versions of wordpress and EE, and I host on Hostgator)

Sidney Harrell

January 21, 2014 at 3:22 pm

If it’s a multi-site installation, you might try changing our database constant definitions, (espresso.php ~line 256) from:

define("EVENTS_CATEGORY_TABLE", $wpdb->prefix . "events_category_detail");


define("EVENTS_CATEGORY_TABLE", $wpdb->base_prefix . "events_category_detail");

Note that you may also need to do that in any active EE addons that define their own tables.
While we can certainly add this to our features request list, all of our current development efforts are focused on getting EE 4.0 ready for release.

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