
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium A New State was dynamically added…

A New State was dynamically added…

Posted: October 22, 2024 at 4:24 am

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Richard Leino

October 22, 2024 at 4:24 am

I found this message at the time of my WordPress backend today:

“A new State named “Virginia (VA)” was dynamically added from an Event Espresso form for the Country of “United States”.
To verify, edit, and/or delete this new State, please go to the Event Espresso – General Settings > Countries Tab and update the States / Provinces section.
Check “Yes” to have this new State added to dropdown select lists in forms.”

I navigated to the Settings, and a duplicate VA – Virginia had been “dynamically” added to my State Dropdown. One was selectable in the dropdown, while the other was not. I thought I could drop the one that was not selectable but received an error notice that I could not delete the State because there were Attendees who were using that choice.


  • Support Staff

October 23, 2024 at 4:52 am

Hi there,

This means a registrant added the state during a registration, like this:

To remove the state you’ll first need to set the ‘correct’ state on the registrant that is currently using it so it’s no longer set to the ‘new one’. The difficult part there is finding the registrant as we don’t have a UI for doing so within EE.

So you mentioned the message showed up yesterday which means its likely from a registration made recently (likely yesterday or the day before) so to find it you’ll need to edit the registrations made in that timeframe, edit the contact for that registration and set the correct state.

First, go to Event Espresso -> General Settings -> Countries.

Select United States in the main dropdown and look for the new ‘Virginia’ state (the one you want to remove), edit the name to include ‘Temp’. This is so you spot it in use on the registrant.

Next go to Event Espresso -> Registrations.

Review the registration made within the timeframe mentioned above and click on the icon for each (CTRL + Click will open them in a new tab).

Each tab will be editing the contact for the registration it relates to, on that page you’ll find an ‘Address Details’ section like this:

Find the contact that has the ‘Virginia Temp’ state selected.

Change that selection to be the ‘original’ Virginia state and save.

Close the tabs you’ve opened up.

Now now registrants should be assigned to that new state, remove the new ‘Virginia Temp’ state from the General Settings -> Countries tab.

Richard Leino

October 23, 2024 at 9:27 am

I received this notice in WordPress only recently as a Banner I needed to dismiss that a State was dynamically added.

I have about 4200 registrations and the latest was from October 3.

The only way to find the Registrations that had the “new” entry was to change the name to Temp as you instructed.

I then downloaded all the Registrations to a large CSV file and sorted by State Name.

I found 10 entries with dates from 2013 to 2023 that had this rogue State field. I updated all the contacts and deleted the entry.

Bottom line – these entries existed for over 11 years and EE just recently decided to “announce” that a dynamic entry was created for the State field.


  • Support Staff

October 23, 2024 at 1:16 pm

That’s odd.

The code to add the banner was added at the same time the function to add states was added, it’s all part of the same method/function. It’s possible the option used to know when the banner has been dismissed previously had been wiped and so retriggered the banner to show again.

Odd for that to happen randomly either way.

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