
Home Forums Ticketing Add-on 404 error on iphone

404 error on iphone

Posted: October 10, 2013 at 5:59 am

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M Klaarmond

October 10, 2013 at 5:59 am

Hi guys,
I’ve just purchased the event espresso plugin and installed it on our server (still a test, but it’s the same server as the final solution will be published).
Events and ticketing are working, ticket has been sent to me after purchase.
I’m now trying to test the iPhone app but on trying to connect, i get a 404 error.
I did find a previous topic in the forum, but that solution didn’t work for me:
I don’t know if there still is an issue with the dynamic library mentioned there? We’re on a higher version of PHP: 5.4.17
Here are our settings:
Home URL
Site URL

PHP Versie 5.4.17
Server Software Apache
WP Max Upload Volume 8MB
Server upload_max_filesize 8MB
Server post_max_size 8MB
WP Geheugen Limiet 128MB

Event Espresso versie
WordPress versie WP 3.6.1

The WP installation is fresh and so is the EE. WordPress is installed in a sub folder and i’ve tried esspresso services in both the root and the wordpress sub folder. Both with the same result. Espresso-services is currently placed in the wordpress folder. The permissions are 755.



  • Support Staff

October 10, 2013 at 6:35 am

Hi Klaarmond,

If you are using the latest HD app on the iphone, you need to use the JSON API add-on rather than services.

Service is still required for Android devices however.

M Klaarmond

October 10, 2013 at 7:59 am

Hi Tony,
Thanks for your reply.
I’ve installed and activated espresso-json-api, did the basic settings, but i’m still getting a 404.
Tried the test-drive as well on:
and on
But there i’m getting a 404 as well. Could that be the problem? or do i need a different end point?


  • Support Staff

October 10, 2013 at 8:21 am

The /testdrive/ part of the URL is actually part of the eventespresso domain used to demonstrate EE.

Your url would be:

Which works but gives:

  "status": "Not authorized to access that endpoint",
  "status_code": 403

Have you enabled public access via Event Espresso->API Settings?

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