
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium 2 Accounts

2 Accounts

Posted: June 15, 2016 at 12:04 pm


June 15, 2016 at 12:04 pm

Hello I need to be able to accept 2 different accounts for 2 different locations. As I understand this is not a feature. If I have both the Authorize AIM and Authorize SIM payments set up can they be different accounts? And if so will both be options at check out? And if so is there a way to decide which one is shown at checkout?

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

June 15, 2016 at 12:54 pm


That is available and I would use two AIM accounts for Authorizenet since both are onsite which means that your registrants/attendees will remain on your site for the checkout process.

First, ensure that your software is up-to-date:

Install and Setup the Payment Methods Pro add-on

Next, there is the initial release of the Payment methods pro add-on which adds this functionality. You can get a copy here:

Download that to your computer and then upload and activate through WP-admin (WP Dashboard) –> Plugins.

Activate and setup the extra payment method

Now go to Event Espresso –> Payment Methods and look for Authorizenet AIM and scroll down towards the end of the page. Click the button to create another Authorizenet AIM.

Then go to the settings area and add your credentials for the other merchant account and save.

After the page refreshes, then scroll down and look for the option where it says where the payment method should be available. Uncheck everything and only check the option for specific events and immediately save.

Then apply the specific events change above to the original payment method (e.g. the original

Enable the correct payment gateway for the correct event

Go to one of your events via the event editor and then look in the bottom right area and you’ll see a new section for selecting a payment option. Select the correct Authorizenet and then immediately save.

Now repeat that process above for the other event.

That will route funds for each of the events to the correct account.

Please note that this is not compatible with the multiple events registration add-on for Event Espresso 4.


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