
Mondree allows to quickly create the page you want and decide the settings for fonts and colors. This is not based on other plugins, it is all part of the theme.
Strong Registration Integration’s
It works with EventEspresso, Woocommerce, Gravity Forms, TicketTailor, Eventbrite, Etouches
Mobile First

With events becoming more and more mobile, Mondree has been designed with smartphones and tablets in mind. 100% Responsive, Mondree is dynamic and offers the best experience regardless of the device.

List of Features
  • Perfect for conferences, annual meetings, seminars, workshops, festivals, club nights but also award nights or professional speaker pages
  • EventEspresso, Woocommerce, Gravity Forms, Eventbrite, etouches, Tickettailor integrated
  • Manage Speakers, Sessions, Event Tickets easily
  • One click demo install. Just one click to install an exact copy of the demo
  • Deep Social Integration: show Latest Tweets, Instagram pics
  • No plugins needed all built in the theme.
  • Show a Video or a Slider in the homepage.
  • Choose the colors you want and a selection of the most popular Google Fonts
  • Create custom pages with the elements you prefer
  • Top notch, 24hrs SLA support desk when purchasing a support license
  • Built by event professionals
  • 100% GPL, but it once, use it on as many sites as you wish
  • Comprehensive, step by step tutorials
  • Showthemes powers more than 5,000 event websites around the world

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