Posts Tagged ‘servers’

2015 WordPress Website Hosting Survey Results

A month ago, we invited our community to participate in a hosting survey. This WordPress website hosting survey is intended as a public service to the Event Espresso and WordPress communities. Our only interest is to provide these communities more information so they can choose the best WordPress host given their needs.

We are pleased to share the (not-statistically-valid) results of our 2015 WordPress Website Hosting Survey. Hopefully next year you will help spread the word about the WordPress website hosting survey to get more results so the data is more representative. We only included results for hosts with three or more complete responses, but you are free to look at the results yourself.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the hosting links and signup, we may receive monetary compensation.

WordPress Hosting in General

  • Collectively, Uptime (4.38/5) received the highest average scores, while Support (4.03/5) received the lowest average scores.
  • On average, respondents are spending about $50//mo on hosting.

Hosting Support

  1. SiteGround: 5.0
  2. WP Engine: 4.75
  3. Inmotion: 4.6
  4. DreamHost: 4.3
  5. Bluehost: 4.0
  6. HostGator: 3.8
  7. GoDaddy: 3.1

Hosting Uptime

  1. SiteGround & WP Engine: 5.0
  2. DreamHost & Inmotion: 4.67
  3. Bluehost: 4.60
  4. GoDaddy: 4.14
  5. Hostgator: 3.8

Hosting Features

  1. SiteGround: 4.75
  2. WP Engine: 4.71
  3. Inmotion: 4.67
  4. DreamHost: 4.3
  5. Bluehost: 4.2
  6. Hostgator: 3.6
  7. GoDaddy: 3.0

Hosting Value

  1. SiteGround: 4.75
  2. Inmotion: 4.67
  3. Bluehost: 4.6
  4. WP Engine: 4.5
  5. DreamHost: 4.0
  6. Hostgator: 3.8
  7. GoDaddy: 3.43

Average Scores for Website Hosting

  1. SiteGround: 4.88
  2. WP Engine: 4.74
  3. Inmotion: 4.67
  4. Bluehost: 4.35
  5. DreamHost: 4.34
  6. Hostgator: 3.75
  7. GoDaddy: 3.43

Closing Comments:

We’d like to take the liberty to share a couple points of interests about these hosts.

Managed WordPress hosting and caching

  • The survey responses did not indicate whether or not their Event Espresso 4 powered site is hosted on GoDaddy’s Managed WordPress platform. We can conclude that anyone using EE4 is hosted on the regular GoDaddy hosting package, because Event Espresso 4 does not work as expected on GoDaddy’s Managed WordPress hosting due to their inability to disable caching for specific pages.
  • WP Engine received high marks for support, which was not a surprise to support staff. This is because we’ve found that WP Engine support staff are very responsive whenever a few initial issues arise due to caching. They’ve been very helpful to Event Espresso customers to who request help with configuring specific pages to be excluded from caching.


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