Posts Tagged ‘nonprofit’

Eventbrite Castaways, Escapees, and Non-profit Organizations Accepted Here

Happy Halloween! It’s come to our attention that our arch nemesis, Eventbrite has raised their ticketing fee pricing. So we have taken it upon ourselves to offer Event Managers an escape from high fees and vendor lock-in that has been experienced with Closed Source Event Ticketing Platforms.

Eventbrite Taking Your Money?

To combat the evil scourge of high ticketing fees that is taking over the world of Event Organizers everywhere, we encourage Event Managers to adopt Open Source Event Ticketing.

All kidding aside.

We Believe in the Freedoms that Open Source Event Ticketing Provides

We are dying to know, are Eventbrite fees putting a dent in your pocketbook? Is your non-profit organization suffering through the latest round of Eventbrite ticketing fee increases? Have your ticket sales have been shut down for violating Eventbrite’s TOS?

If you have answered yes to any of the above, then we welcome you to our open source, event ticketing platform, Event Espresso, with open arms.

At Event Espresso, we believe in Open Source Software and the rights it provides users. So, it saddens us to see closed-source platforms, such as Eventbrite, increasing their fees, even for their non-profit customers.

Earlier this year, we reported on a quilting events and workshops company that is losing $21,000 in ticketing fees annually, by using Eventbrite. That means, if fees are increasing, the quilting company will stand to lose well over $40,000 in ticketing fees, next year.


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Website Weekend Los Angeles 2016

During Connect Week 2016, Website Weekend LA will bring in non-profits and organizations doing great work in the local Los Angeles, California community and pair them up with teams of digital professionals. Then over the course of a weekend, these teams will collaborate and build something amazing for their organization that will help them grow their outreach and positively impact how they contribute to the community.

website weekend 2016 (more…)

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Nonprofits Using Social Media

Yesterday, the radio program, Marketplace by American Public Media published an article on their website and ran a story on the radio about how charities and nonprofit organizations are using social media to raise funds. It is becoming ever more important for organizations, especially nonprofit groups, to take advantage (in a good way) of the opportunities they have. Social media allows organizations to make personal connections with many more people who are interested in their mission or cause than is available via other forms of media.

When I heard this story, it became very apparent that nonprofit organizations need to be on the cutting-edge of technology and use it to its full potential. We hope you will take advantage of the great features and capabilities of Event Espresso. You can do more than just manage your events, you can even use it as a volunteer management system on WordPresCreate events as assignments and allow your volunteers to signup for the assignments you create. This will help keep your volunteers engaged and advocates for you and your cause. We want to be sure you have the tools you need to be successful and Event Espresso has great social media integration for facebook and a Group on add-on. Event Espresso and these tools will help you take advantage of the social media’s potential.

There should be very little doubt in your mind about the power of social media. You should be very confident that your organization should be engaging in social media and be prepared with the tools to make the interactions you have a positive experience.

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Event Espresso